RSN Canvaswork assessment - remember this project?
Those of you who read The Unbroken Thread will undoubtedly remember how much difficulty I had with my canvaswork project for the RSN Certificate. I was a complete beginner and had no concept of how canvaswork was done, how to use the different stitches and, for that matter, how to DO the different stitches. At the beginning it was the most frustrating, hopeless feeling I've ever had whilst learning any embroidery technique. Of course, when I got to the end of the project, I loved it and felt competent to embroider canvaswork pieces successfully in the future - which is the point, really. Quite a while ago the assessment for this piece came back from the assessors at the RSN and I was so busy with my RSN silk shading piece that I didn't have time to tell you about the results.
The overall mark was 83% which I am really happy with! I did lose points on some things and the comments of the assessors were accurate and helpful. "Where the stitches are longer, the thread tension is sometimes not firm enough". You can see this in the white tiles on the roof above - see the longest center stitch in some of the squares look a bit floppy?In shading the overhang of the roof on both levels, the lower level has dark brown to create a shadow and it would be more consistent if I'd done the same thing on the top roof.
The assessors mentioned they particularly liked the addition of both the sign and the umbrella saying "They added interest to the umbrella and the prayer sign is particularly effective." Me too!
The final comment warmed my heart and reminded me that our assessors have been students and realise that sometimes the work is particularly challenging: "This is a gorgeous interpretation of the source image, and the nicest canvas-stitched piece we've seen in a long time. Well done for preserving - and please make this your Christmas card for next year! Congratulations!"Well, I'm chuffed!