RSN Prep Sampler Update
The RSN Prep Sampler is finished - mostly. I've reviewed or learned each of the stitches that we may be using on the RSN Crewelwork Certificate course I'm beginning on July 4. I saved the "best for last", so finishing the last few stitches was fun. The shades of Appleton Bright China Blue look just lovely together - don't be surprised if you see the same color in the piece I embroider for the course.The grid that outlines the different stitch examples will be embroidered using off white wool and couched in a few places with blue. It shouldn't detract from what's been done but give it a more finished look. That's what I'll be working on this week so look for more about that soon.Which stitches were the "best for last"?Block shading doesn't look as shaded to me as long and short stitch. Here I've used three shades of blue that are close in color so the contrast isn't as great. With block shading the goal isn't to blend the colors as in long and short stitch but to bring one color up next to the other. It's a pretty effect and can be done equally easily in straight or curved areas.
Aside from the fact that my rows of color aren't exactly the same width from left to right, I'm pleased with the results. I've seen block shading in books used in a tree of life design on the hillocks and on the trunk of the tree.
Here is a leaf shape done with long and short shading - or as Tracy Franklin taught me - "longer and shorter shading". I feel I'm finally getting the hang of this stitch. When I first started sewing long and short stitch I was too rigid and too exact about where I placed the stitches. My stitches didn't blend at all and it looked pretty terrible. This looks quite good - I wonder what my teacher at the RSN course will say about my long and short stitch? It's the one I'm most 'worried' about because it can go either way - really lovely or just awful!
For the trellis example. I decided to use a simple grid shape and couch once over each intersection. I love trellis stitches of all kinds and tend to go crazy if given the chance. Since this is a sampler to show off the different stitches, I thought clear and simple would be best.Only three weeks now until the first class! I cannot wait to share everything with all of you as we begin this adventure. (And yes, I'm also a little, tiny bit nervous...)