RSN Silk Shading Assessment

Yesterday morning I got an email that made me VERY HAPPY! Kelley Aldridge, my RSN teacher, sent me the assessment of my silk shading piece. The subject line read "Assessments Marks!" and the message was short "Well done you..."I passed with Merit earning a 78% on my piece! Whew! The silk shading piece was by far the most difficult, so I wasn't confident of how well I'd done.The comments are absolutely accurate and will help me do a higher quality silk shading piece in the future.The comment I agreed with 100% is that the color of silk I chose for the background was too near in color to the flower itself. "A more contrasting color would have shown the embroidery off more - this does not have to be a strong color, just slightly more different to the embroidery shades themselves."Another point was that the stitch length in the largest petal was sometimes too long. The advice "take care when working in a large area that you do not increase the length of your stitches too much." is good.As for the color of the flower - something I got a lot of comments about here - "White is notoriously difficult to shade - you have made a very good attempt!" Hooray!Completely finished!

The final comment by the two assessors:

"This is a very pretty piece, well worked and a lovely first attempt at silk shading. Well done!"

A very happy lady is sitting in Berlin right now!



Loveday: Crewelwork Acorns and Wasp


Ecclesiastical Embroidery at Halberstadt Cathedral