RSN Silk Shading - White finished...for now
All of the white/grey/violet/green "Mischung' of white color on my RSN Silk Shading flower project is finished. "What's a Mischung?", I hear you ask. Mischung - pronounced "mish-ung" - means mixture in German but it sounds more like what the color of the flower looks like than the word mixture, doesn't it? The flower clearly isn't as white as it appears in the photo. Neither is it grey or's a mishy, mushy mixture - hence "Mischung". Sometimes the perfect word is a German word!I am not thrilled with it but I am pleased. Everyone told me white would be difficult and they were right. When I get to Bristol I'm sure Kelley will have some tips for brightening it up a bit. I even have an idea of what I could do but I'm going to wait.There are two things that I think affect the color and our perception of the color. Firstly, the lack of the green in the sepals and the stem make the whole thing a bit drab. Secondly, I think the color of silk that I chose isn't quite right. I'm not sure what would have been better but something with more contrast possibly. Too late now though. It may all pop into perfection when I stitch the greens of the sepals and stem, but I'm not holding my breath.
What's missing to my eyes is the glow, the shimmer of the white. It may be possible to add some bright white threads to the duller areas but I'm not sure...What astounds me is how much my perception of the color changes depending on from which angle I'm looking at the embroidery. Having stitched the piece in all kinds of different light, I'm not surprised the color is a bit of a Mischung!Ideas? Opinions? Please tell me what you think!