RSN Silk Shading: Welcome back to Lovestitch, Bristol
There's nothing like going back to a place where you know the people and share an interest with them. It's a bit like music camp was for me when I was young. Everyone there loved music as much as I did and we got to do it all day long - I thought it was heaven! At Lovestitch everyone loves embroidery and we do it all day long - what could be better than that?While I knew some of the students from when I'd been before, I didn't know everyone. That's what's so great about sharing a passion; you have something in common right away, so getting to know one another is so effortless!It was especially great to see Kelley again - her effervescence is contagious and her teaching style is perfectly suited to my learning style! - and Debs Wilding. Debs is almost finished with her Future Tutor's studies and has been working with Kelley. Debs has given me help when and with whatever I needed. She's going to be a great RSN Tutor!
The studio at Lovestitch has two large rooms with loads of workspace and loads of embroidery supplies. Cotton, wool and gold threads, silk and cotton fabrics, flannel, kid leather, needles by the drawer-full,'s a little shop so, if or when you need something you don't have, it's to hand.
Kelley also has a number of glass display cabinets filled with her work and the work of her students. The beautiful peacock fabric and creative gold work piece on the second shelf was done by Debs Wilding. I'm afraid I don't remember who worked the darling snail on the top shelf - but it's wonderful isn't it?!
Thank goodness I had arrived early because Kelley and I chatted away for at least 30 minutes before I got down to work.Next time, my first foray into silk shading...including something about silk threads!