Honeysuckle Growing Beautifully
I've now reached the point on the Sweet Honeysuckle piece by Anna Scott where I'll be doing something I've never done before. I've outlined the remaining petals in split stitch and filled in the areas at the bottom of each petal as instructed.It looks really pretty and I can already "see" what it will look like when it's finished. I just love the delicate colors!
Next, I'm supposed to draw 17 teeny, tiny oval shapes onto the appliqué paper and fuse the paper to the felt. Then I have the intricate and tricky task of putting out 17 teeny, tiny oval circles.
I'll need a steady hand and very sharp scissors for this! (Sharp scissors? - check! Steady hand?) - depends on the day. I'll wait for a stress free one! I've done padding before using gold thread but not using silks. This will be fun to try something new!