Seeing it as it will be...
It has not been a good weekend for stitching. Maybe it's because I'm unsettled about going to England on Monday. I'm thinking about what to take, what not to forget, what I might need, what I think I'll need and then reject as unnecessary...Or maybe it's just a slump. Slumps happen and they never feel good when they do.I worked on the purple flowers at the bottom of the design most of the afternoon. Doing the detached buttonhole stitch in such a small shape was really difficult. I couldn't get my needle to go under the threads properly so it ended up looking crowded.The blue flower towards the bottom look lumpy and more like a blob than anything from nature. I woke up early Sunday morning and took time to look at embroidered flowers in all of the books I have. There wasn't one flower that even slightly resembled this blue flower.
At the end of the day, I was very unhappy with the whole thing and had to look at the colored drawing I did of the piece before I began stitching to remind myself of what it will look like. Right now I can't see it as it will be but I must have faith in my color and stitch choices that it will look as I imagined it when it's finished.
There needs to be more red at the bottom of the design to balance all the red at the top. Either the purple pointed buds or the little blue berry shapes will be red, but I haven't decided which yet. The long narrow leaves on the sides will be green as will the two partial leaves right at the bottom. Those two leaves will look as if they're hiding under the border at the bottom when the cap is assembled.I have such high hopes for this piece. I want it to be like a little jewel. I must keep seeing it as it will be, not as it is right now.