Royal Persian Blossom: details make a difference
As I worked through the different sections of the Royal Persian Blossom project, I decided to leave the little, tiny detail stitches until later. I wanted to get the big areas stitched so I could feel that I was making progress. Yesterday I reached a point where it was logical to go back and add the detailed stitches that give the piece a bit of zing!Using only three stitches, these little V shaped stitches with a center line add a touch of color to the border and tie together the brown shades of the leaves and the gold chain stitch inside the blue border. They aren't big or important, but they are just perfect for pulling it all together.The same V stitch with a center line is used around the outside edge of this part of the design, again to great effect. Here the introduction of the darker fawn color helps this section connect to the other, surrounding areas where that color is used.
These little stitches are like accessories - a scarf that makes a pair of trousers and a sweater look fabulous or a pair of earrings that pull a color out of a dress perfectly.
The gold stem stitch that surrounds the border of this section (above) lifts the whole area so it's brighter and more alive.The French knots in the open crescent shape add a touch of color but leave some breathing space where it's needed.
I'm learning, as I work the Royal Persian Blossom project, that a design often needs to have these little details. I've no doubt that it would look fine without these little stitches, but I'm equally sure that it looks much better with them. They're a nice final touch on a design of this style.
Do you ever accessorize your pieces with "detail stitches"? What are your favorite stitches to use?